The Internet Corporate Life

帖子: 1
注册时间: 周日 10月 08, 2023 3:54 am

The Internet Corporate Life

帖子 Munnaf911 »

To prevent as much as possible your declaration from being withheld in the tax system , check that all the information and data contained in the declaration are correct and valid; that you have all related documents available; and be careful when registering the reports for each dependent. If there is any flaw in your statement, you will be notified within 24 hours of submission.

Fell into fine mesh. What to do? If your statement is retained for some period with the Federal Revenue, this means that there is probably an error or inconsistency in the moible number data information presented. It can be data omissions, incorrect values, lack of registration information, among others. The notification will indicate the failures that were found and which documents and “evidence” must be presented.


You can also find them in the declaration extract, just access 'Mesh Pending'. There are two situations to correct the IR declaration , the first is if your material really has incorrect or incomplete data, you will be able to rectify the information by the Declaration Generator Program (PGD). The other is if your document is correct, and you have all the supporting materials.